Friday, December 11, 2009

WWI - The War at Home

What were some things accomplished by the following wartime agencies and laws?

1. War Industries Board - Put price control onto their products and in wartime they doubled their prices.
2. Railroad Administration - They watched over the railroads and they could raise the prices if they needed too.
3. Fuel Administration - Watched over fuel production, could raise the prices on fuel if needed.
4. National War Labor Board - This was a board that nixon created to punish people who refuesed to obey decisions made by the board. They also worked on the conditions of the workers in the factories, and also made sure that child labor did not exhist anymore.
5. Food Administration - They accomplished conserving food so that the country would not run out, and also encouraged people having their own farms so that they would be able to grow their own food and be self sustaining.
6. Committee on Public Information - The committee on Public Information encouraged American things such as patriotism and also shut down protests saying that the draft was illegal and unconstitutional.
7. Espionage and Sedition Acts - Said that anyone who opposed the war would be fined and put in jail if they spoke out against the war when free speach was not allowed.

Briefly explain why Bernard M. Baruch and George Creel are significant historical figures.

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