Tuesday, November 17, 2009

America as a World Power

1. What role did President Roosevelt play in ending the Russo-Japanese War?
Roosevelt mediated in the settlement of the Russo-Japanese War. He was approached by Japanese officials and asked secretly to mediate peace negotiations. The delegates from Russia and Japan met in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Roosevelt persuaded Japan to accept half of Sakhalin Island and forgo the Cash payment. In exchange Russia agreed to let Japan take over Russian interests in Manchuria and Korea. This won Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize.

2. What events led to the building of the Panama Canal? What happened regarding Columbia? (Be specific)
Many Americans felt that the US needed a canal cutting across Central America. It would greatly reduce travel time for commercial and military ships by providing a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 Britain gave the US exclusive rights to build and control a canal through Central America. Before building the canal, America had to get permission from Columbia because the route crossed through a province of Columbia. The negotiations broke down and a rebellion was held against Columbia. Panama declared its independance, and America built its canal.

3. What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?
The Roosevelt Corollary stated that the United States would now use force to protect its economic interest in Latin America.

4. How did Taft use Dollar Diplomacy to enforce the Roosevelt Colollary on Nicaragua? (Be specfic)
Taft used Dollar Diplomacy to enforce the Roosevelt Corollary on Nicaragua by arranging for American bankers to loan Nicaragua enough money to pay its debts. In return, the bankers were given the right to recover their money by collecting Nicaragua's customs duties. The US bankers also gained control of Nicaragua's state-owned railroad system and its national bank.

5. Why did Woodrow Wilson invade Mexico?
Woodrow Wilson invaded Mexico because he was given the oppurtunity to because one of Huerta's officers arrested a small group of American sailors in Tampico, on Mexico's eastern shore.

6. What were three major foriegn policy goals achieved by the United States in the early 20th century. Be sure to provide an example or two of each.
-Expanded its access to foreign markets in order to ensure the continued growth of the domestic economy. Example:Panama Canal
-Built a modern navy to protect its interest abroad. Example: Panama Canal made naval passage easier between Atlantic and Pacific
-Exercised its international police power to ensure dominance in Latin America. Example: Using Dollar Diplomacy in Nicaragua

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