Sunday, April 4, 2010

Korean War Lessons

Dear Mr. Eisenhower,
There are many lessons that can be learned from the war, which are that the UN will be forced to help if other countries go out of line. This shows that this group is better than the League of Nations which just let Italy and Japan invade other countries without using military force against them. Also, it shows that the US should pick its generals more wisely and make sure that they agree with the idea of containment or whichever policy the president approves rather than having a general that has a different goal and agenda than the president.
The US aims in Korea were to keep it from becoming communist. The support of the UN helped because they were able to condemn the actions of the North Koreans and tell them to withdraw, and when this did not happen, and so the UN was now committed to using member forces to drive the north Koreans out of South Korea. The US achieved its aim of getting the North Korean Communists out of South Korea, but MacArthur wanted to take North Korea as well but Truman believed in containment. MacArthur should not have been allowed to invade North Korea, because Trumans policy of containment was working fine, and we only needed to keep South Korea anti-communist. The point of the invasion was not to change the communism in North Korea, but to repel the communists from South Korea in order to “contain” communism. MacArthur was removed because he openly threated a war against China and Truman had already ruled out an attack on China because it would also involve the USSR and at this time that was too risky. We did not want to get into another war, and MacArthur was openly threatening and saying that we would. The military and civilian costs of having another war are too great. Also, the fact that most of the troops that were sent into Korea by the UN were americans shows that we would be the country that would have to provide most of the military if there was a war.
The policy of containment did succeed because we were able to keep the communists out of South Korea and contain them in North Korea. The main point of containment was not to take back North Korea from communism, but just to make sure that it did not make South Korea communist, and this goal was achieved.

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