Sunday, September 13, 2009

Expansion of Industry

What were the three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War? Explain how two of these factors helped to bring about this technological boom.

The three major factors that contributed to the technological boom in the United States after the Civil War were the discovery of the wealth of natural resources, the governments support for business, and the growing urban population that provided both cheap labor and markets for new products. The discovery of the wealth of natural resources helped bring about the technological boom by giving people the resources to build and manufacture new products, and for the fuel for cars as well as the uses for oil and kerosene. A process was invented to create steel from the massive amounts of Iron present in the United States. The steel was used by the railroad industry as well as for new feats of architecture such as skyscrapers. The governments support for business led inventors to discover uses for electricity, and allowed them to inventive time-saving appliances. The discovery of electricity allowed manufacturers to locate their plants wherever they pleased, whereas before they needed to have by a source of power such as a river. Inventors also invented the light bulb, type writer and telephone spurred an increase in office jobs for women as well.

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