Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Railroad Development 2

Andrew Carnegie - Born in Scotland dirt poor, was one of the first industrial moguls to make his own fortune

Social Darwinism - grew out of the English naturalist Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution. His theories were used to explain the evolution of human society.

John D. Rockefeller - established corporations that joined with competing companies in trust agreements.

Sherman Antitrust Act - Made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries.

Samuel Gompers - Led the cigar makers international union to join with other crafts unions to form the American Federation of Labor.

American Federation of Labor (AFL)- Focused on collective bargaining, or the negotiation between representatives of labor and management, to reach written agreements on wages hours and working conditions.

Eugene V. Debs - formed an industrial union like the AFL, Called the ARU.

Industrial Workers of the World - formed by a group of radical unionists and socailists, and allowed african americans to join

Mary Harris Jones - The most prominent organizer of the womans labor movement.

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